Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Online Promotion Manners

The Internet swarms with experts in Internet marketing, they grant you plenty of tips on how to get to the top of the search engines, but which are the ones to focus on? If you should go through them all, then it would take a lifetime. Here I tell you about the 5 best methods I use to market websites.

The Internet swarms with experts in Internet marketing, they grant you plenty of tips on how to get to the top of the search engines, but which are the ones to focus on? If you should go through them all, then it would take a lifetime. Here I tell you about the 5 best methods I use to market websites.

You probably already know about link building, but when I start to promote a website, I always start with the basic link building and work my way out from that.

The way I go through link building is pretty straightforward. As soon as the site is up and running I contact other related sites to swap links. Then I go to the forums and use my link in my signature (most of the time I start being active on the forums 2-3 months before the site launches to make a name for my self, so people can see that I'm not just dropping in to dump a link. Then its on to the free and paid directories. The paid are of course more valuable than the free, but I have seen a lot of traffic in the beginning of my sites lifetime come from the free directories directly, so I always post my link there.


Now why do I put design in my second place? Because design is one of the most basic ways of initiating SEO, and if the design is not inviting, then people will leave and never come back. ALWAYS use original design, I know its cost a few notes, but it pays out immediately. Make sure that your design fits with your audience and that the programming code is simple and optimized. Many sites get a poor ranking because of simple pieces of code that doesn't work out.

Article Submissions

Well then we are at one of the reasons why I went to Bukisa. I don't promote my sites here, since they are all in Danish, but I submit articles to Danish directories and adds a link with it. This optimizes your position in the search engines and gets you direct visitors from the directories.

Affiliate Marketing

Even though I work in a country with just 5,5 million citizens I still use affiliate marketing to get other creative people to promote my content. In the beginning you should adapt it to your products, and if you don't have any products, then you can create an E-book and use affiliates to promote it and your site. Most of my sites are general service sites and don't sell products, but with an E-book I get an income stream and plenty of visitors to my sites. Read more.

Go to SEO Services for more information.


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