Friday, June 19, 2009

Importance of Crawl Depth from SEO Perspective

Search engines give result for a searched term on the basis of the ranking given to the sites corresponding to those keywords. This ranking is based on the indexing of websites that the search engine gathers periodically. The indexing is further done through a periodic crawling process done through a program known as a crawler. Thus, a crawler is responsible for the ultimate searched result generated for a certain keyword when searched in a search engine. For anyone engaged in ecommerce or SEO in Australia or anywhere in the world, the search engine crawling factor is of paramount importance.

The frequency and the way of crawling give the search-engine the up-to-date data from a website. Crawlers are used to create copies of the visited pages for indexing and facilitating faster search. To get the right information, the crawlers move deep into the website and check the relevancy of the website with respect to the searched term. The term Crawl Depth quantifies the limit of crawling of a website. Because of the complexity of search and the availability of vast resources over the web, the Crawl depth factor increases very often.

From organic SEO perspectives, it is important to get a site properly and deeply crawled by search engines. A few factors are pivotal in this regard:


Backlinks from reputed and popular directories, social networking sites can help to easily find the site by search engine crawlers. A frequent visit by crawlers will ultimately ensure a better and deeper crawling.

Updated content

The content should be original and updated regularly. Updated content attracts crawlers frequently.

Internal linking

The internal link structure of the website also affects crawlers’ visits. Pages which are heavily linked internally attract crawlers more.

Using a Sitemap

A sitemap helps in getting the site indexed and crawled deeply. The robots.txt file, on the other hand, prevents the crawler from crawling any restricted or unwanted page. In terms of web search engine optimization , proper and correct robots.txt entries ensure a speedy crawling of the website.

More detail visit SEO Sydney.